I’ve slowly been working on updating my web page over the past week and–whew–it’s finally DONE. I changed the theme, added pages including one for the Goddess’s Honor series, a page for anthology appearances, and updated my bibliography and the Netwalk Sequence page. Now it looks somewhat respectable–I think. Perhaps not as good as it would if I hired someone to design it, but right now, the publishing budget just doesn’t allow for design. So I’ve simplified the navigation and things should be reasonable to find…now. For whatever reason, this blog shows up as the front page, which is okay, really. In any case, I can cross “update the webpage” off of the list of things to do for this month.
Dang. Besides that, I also put down another 1,000 words on Beyond Honor and started revising “Glorianna.” That short story is getting thoroughly overhauled, including a change from first person to third person. So far it reads better. Add in some errands around the house involved with unpacking and putting things up on the walls, as well as a quick run out to the barn to check on a horse for the barn owner…and it’s been a busy day here in Enterprise.
Now it’s time to go relax.