Writing Accountability Post #5

Well, this was the week when the wheels somewhat came off of the bus in several ways.

First of all, my fairly new iMac started not working well with Firefox and Safari. After poking around, I realized I needed to bite the bullet and upgrade my OS–which meant going through two OS uploads. That ate up a large chunk of two days, especially since other tech started misbehaving. I needed to reinstall Scrivener and spent nearly an hour on the phone with the library because my Libby app wouldn’t let me check anything out.

Everything’s fixed now, but oh was that ever a tech slog. Add in a couple of nights dealing with aches that kept me awake, so no good sleep, and…yeah. Not that much accomplished this week.

I did get rejects from all three of the latest Zombies Need Brains open calls. I know it’s a pretty competitive market, but all the same…deep sigh. I sent out five short stories yesterday, and already got two rejects back. That’s the way the short story business runs, for sure.

But I did pull everything together, except promotion, for A Different Life: Now. Always. Forever. I was planning to do much more promotion this week, but besides the computer hassle, I kept running into other, private issues that just snarled things up from Wednesday through Friday. Fortunately, Friday seems to have signaled a turnaround, which is good. And I also got episodes loaded for Federation Cowboy through March 8th, and am working on another chapter that will give me episodes through mid-March at the very least. I’d like to have episodes locked down through the end of March, but I also want to get some other writing work done besides Cowboy, so we shall see.

Our first B-Cubed Sunday Brunch session with Susan Kay Quinn and N.R.M. Roshak, about solarpunk and hopepunk, went off well. Whew. I’m always a little anxious about organizing these things when I have to coordinate them, but everything worked quite well and we had a great time. You can see it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FFl221mFRhE

And Tuesday is when A Different Life: Now. Always. Forever. becomes available on Amazon, Apple, Barnes and Noble, Ingram, Kobo, and Smashwords. Preorders are available as well.

Next week will be a wee bit of a challenge because I’m traveling. But that’s just one more thing I need to figure out in this process.

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