My short story, “Beer Goes to War,” is part of a forthcoming anthology, Beer Saves the World, from Sky Warrior Press.
Glad I can finally share this one…it was a fun story to write.
My short story, “Beer Goes to War,” is part of a forthcoming anthology, Beer Saves the World, from Sky Warrior Press.
Glad I can finally share this one…it was a fun story to write.
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Filed under writer promo stuff
We’re putting the final touches on the Netwalker Uprising files and uploading like mad, waiting for approvals…but it should be ready to go! Formats will be in trade paperback POD, Kindle, Nook, and Smashwords.
I’ll be keeping y’all updated as we move through the process.
Additionally, the son and I talked…there will be an Expanded Edition of Netwalk available this summer, with some of my working notes and possibly a reprint of the first Netwalk Sequence stories published.
Happy sigh. Or will be happy sigh, once I get through this process!
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Filed under Netwalk Sequence
The lovely and talented Alma Alexander just announced that River, the anthology she recently edited, is a finalist for the Epic Award. Read about it here.
I’m thrilled for Alma, because her vision for this anthology made it a lovely collection. But I also have to admit that I’m thrilled because my story, “River-Kissed,” is part of the anthology.
So that pushed me over the top as to what I’ll be reading at Orycon this year (Friday, 4:00 pm-4:30 pm, Grant). If you’re attending Orycon, come hear my contribution to this lovely anthology–and then check out Irene Radford’s reading on Sunday morning at 10:30 am–I wouldn’t be surprised if she read from her story for the anthology.
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Filed under writer squeeee!
Squee! My guest post on “Place as Person” for the River anthology is live
here! Go over and read and comment!
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Filed under writer squeeee!